Common Name:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- None
Meaning:- Medicago (Gr) Median-grass, A name used by the Greek physician
and botanist Dioscorides, from a Persian name for lucerne, or medick.
Doliata. Meaning unknown.
General description:- Sparsely pilose annual, usually branched from the base.
1) 15-40 cm., ascending,
1) Leafets of the upper leaves obovate-cuneate, sharply serrulate in the upper half.
2) Stipules, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, dentate to incise-dentate.
1) Peduncles, slender, somewhat longer than the leaves.
2) Inflorescence, 3-6-flowered but often only a single fruit developing.
3) Corolla, 5-8 mm, yellow.
1) Legume, spherical to broadly ellipsoid, tightly coiled, (7-10 mm in diam.), ±
pubescent., hardened at maturity;
a) fruit coils, surface usually with a narrow submarginal border.
b) spines, lacking or short and conical.
Key features:-
1) Legume, spherical to broadly ellipsoid, tightly coiled,
Habitat:- Dry open shrubby vegetation, scrubland vegetation , olive groves, field
margins, 0-900 m.
Distribution:- Coastal areas of W Greece, lacking in most of the mainland. -
Widespread but scattered in the Mediterranean region; often confused with M.
Flowering time:- April to early June.
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